
DVD creation

Sweet Owen Sound creates DVDs as a delivery media for video work. It is often appreciated by friends and family who cannot attend a recital to receive a DVD of the program, and parents may want to playable hard copy. Here is an example of the […]

Audition Recordings

Sweet Owen Sound provides audio and video recording services to musicians entering International Competitions, auditioning for graduate schools and professional positions. I’ve made audition recordings for Jacobs School of Music, Julliard and the New York Philharmonic, to name a few.

What microphones were used in Adam Cantors Sceyence?

Adam Cantor recently asked me what microphones were used in his recording Sceyence.  Here is the recording chain including the microphones, premaps and digital converters used. Warning don’t try this at home or you will make an incredible recording of your refrigerator and every other machine […]

Adam Cantor artwork for Sceyence

Here is the album cover art work for Sceyence, and album of original music performed by Adam Cantor.  You can find detailed information about the artist at Adams Facebook page.